Wednesday afternoon
My mum has just phoned, and the news update as is follows:
The ventilator came off this morning, and Victoria was breathing fine. However, it soon became apparent that Victoria is too active for her own good, and the risk of her knocking various pipes and tubes meant that it was best to increase the sedation, which then meant that she could no longer breath by herself, so she is back on the ventilator.
Victoria's temperature has been high, and so IV antibiotics have been administered; please pray that she doesn't develop an infection as this would obviously be a set back to recovery.
Pray also that Victoria would have thorough carers; there is one nurse in particular who has committed at least two very stupid mistakes, one of which was to do with the ventilator having run out of power last night (that was her fault). I don't like to think what might happen that isn't so obvious as a ventilator switching off and having a load of alarms going - I think prayer is the only way to be sure nothing goes wrong, thankfully God is in control.
The ventilator came off this morning, and Victoria was breathing fine. However, it soon became apparent that Victoria is too active for her own good, and the risk of her knocking various pipes and tubes meant that it was best to increase the sedation, which then meant that she could no longer breath by herself, so she is back on the ventilator.
Victoria's temperature has been high, and so IV antibiotics have been administered; please pray that she doesn't develop an infection as this would obviously be a set back to recovery.
Pray also that Victoria would have thorough carers; there is one nurse in particular who has committed at least two very stupid mistakes, one of which was to do with the ventilator having run out of power last night (that was her fault). I don't like to think what might happen that isn't so obvious as a ventilator switching off and having a load of alarms going - I think prayer is the only way to be sure nothing goes wrong, thankfully God is in control.
At 4:07 PM,
taurus said…
Glad to hear the update, I've been checking all day to see how Victoria's been getting on.
Love from the Turnbulls
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good to hear an update, frustrating as it is that Victoria is having to be sedated again I trust that her recovery will be rapid so that she won't be in need of the IVs and things that she wants to fiddle with; also we pray that she will be protected from any failures in those who should be caring for her!
At 4:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say you don't know me but I am a friend of Sheila Long,I am from Saskatchewan, Canada
She told me about Victoria and our family has been praying for her ever since. I am so happy that the surgery went well and we continue to pray for a quick recovery so you can be home as a family again.
God is so Good. It is a gift for me to see your great trust in GOD.
Our prayers will continue.
At 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
glad to hear that the operation went well, glad to hear also that our Almighty God is in control of ALL things!! it seems like good news that victoria is 'fidgety'!! we are so looking forward to meeting her, we are continuing to pray, love to all, thanks for the regular updates.
At 7:23 PM,
Verity said…
We have thanked the LORD for Victoria`s life.
The Hayhows and Richardvmq
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